Sunday, December 13, 2009

I seem to be having one of those days!

Today I haven't been able to get my angels off my mind. I started thinking about how old they would be and what they would be doing. What they would know, what they would like and dislike. Some days I just seem to get drug down into my pain. No matter how much I don't want to go there.

I am hoping that the holidays is the reason that the days have been so hard lately. I keep thinking that if I can just make it through the next couple weeks that I will be fine. That things will get a bit easier. I hope that it is true but sometimes I just don't know.

I keep pushing myself to say yes to invitations even though I feel like saying no. If I said no to everything I didn't feel like doing I would never leave my house and that wouldn't help anything. getting out helps, but it almost makes it harder once I get home. I don't regret doing the things I push myself into doing. I usually wind up having fun. It is just that I have had to bottle everything the whole time I was out so once I get back home I let it all out at once instead of as it comes.

I wish no one ever had to go through this. I feel for all of you who have had to suffer this kind of pain. It isn't fair, and my thoughts are with you and your families!

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